Here are 7 reasons President Trump will win reelection in a landslide in 2020 (not necessarily in order of importance)
1. It's The Economy Stupid.
As of today the stock market, where 10's of millions of average Americans invest a good portion of their money, is at an all time high, a whopping 49% higher than it was on the day before the 2016 election. Odds are there will be one or more major market adjustments between now and the next presidential election but the economy is roaring now and confidence in the economy is reflected in the stock market. This is due in large part to Trump's pro business policies (think for example lower corporate tax rates which have drawn back to the US trillions of overseas dollars to be invested in creating more US jobs).
Unemployment levels are at record lows and employment levels are at record highs and the number of jobs including higher paying manufacturing jobs have been growing since Trump's election at rates most experts thought were not possible anymore (Obama/Biden/Clinton told us we must forget those jobs) At the same time, because of the competition for qualified workers, average wage rates have been sharply growing as well.
Although dismissed by East and West coast elites as a tax cut for the rich (because (a) that's the standard leftist trope and (b) an extra $20 or $40 dollars per paycheck doesn't mean anything to them), the tax cut has been appreciated by the average American worker.
2. When Attacked The Tribe Unites
Oh, how many ways can I make this point? Think of "RESIST" from day one until now by the mainstream media where 93% of their coverage toward Trump was and still is negative. Think of "RESIST" from day one with all of the hate Trump posts, comments and vulgar language by supposed "friends" on social media immediately after the election and probably continuing today (finally not being able to take it and wanting to remain civil and "friends" I blocked most of them).
I and almost everyone I know who voted for Trump was shocked at the failure of one side to do what has always been done and acknowledge with grace when their side lost. Most of us were not happy with the ultra liberal policies of President Obama and we expressed our disagreements in many time tested ways and then voted for change. We did not expect the circus that followed and were shocked by the other side's behavior.
Think of the 2 year long "Trump is a Russian stodge" debacle which was obvious from very early on to anyone not affected by the "Trump derangement syndrome" that this was both a set up of Trump and a cover up of actual Clinton/Obama efforts to effect the election.
And then think of the Kavanaugh hearings with the vicious accusations, outright lies and character assassinations of an outstanding jurist and human being. These had nothing to do with judicial philosophy but everything to do with trying to destroy a person with whom you disagree.
RESIST, Kavanaugh and to a lesser sense Russia were emotional slaps in the face to conservatives which worked to unite them and will not soon be forgotten.
3. Trump Is A Money Magnet
The Republican Party was not united behind Trump in 2016 and for awhile after wards and that included many of the big money donors and certain of it's elected officials. Perhaps you are not aware of this but while President Trump is an America first person as are most of his base there is a large portion of the GOP who consider themselves globalists. Globalists seek international solutions and are willing to give up national sovereignty and treasure in order to achieve that. The Bushes were globalists. So was Obama. So is Clinton/Biden.
Without getting into a long discussion of exactly how that affects the way a President governs let me give you a simplistic generalization. There are very large and powerful international businesses and personalities who have a common goal and who invest a lot of money with politicians and activist groups around the world which includes men and woman from both parties here in America. That is a large reason why Washington is filled with swamp creatures, many who do not really have the best interests of our country in mind.
A large part of the hatred of Trump from the GOP side was that he was not one of them. He did not go to their private parties (attended by both sides), did not behave in the acceptable manner and did not have the same globalist goals. Not only that but he pledged if elected to go to Washington to drain the swamp.
However, an interesting thing happened as stated in point number 2. Although globalism is a strong interest many on the Right also actually have sincere conservative leanings and when Trump came to Washington he has governed as a true conservative. This they noticed.
But they also noticed the daily attacks, lies and misrepresentations about Trump and the effort to destroy anyone who is associated with him. It turns out that their tribal instincts are now outweighing their global instincts. In 2016 fundraising for Trump and fundraising for the GOP were separate. Today they are combined.
In 2016 Clinton raised a record billion dollars toward her election. Trump raised 600 million. This year when President Trump announced his intent to run again in 2020 he raised a million dollars an hour on the first day alone. It is estimated that his reelection war chest will equal 2.5 billion dollars. Although social media companies are almost totally controlled by young male progressives who actively work to silence conservative voices on their social media platforms the Trump campaign does have a well funded team who know how to use it to fund raise and how to get their message targeted.
4. Open Borders Is Going To Crush The Left
Illegal immigration was the major issue driving the Right in 2016. The situation has become ten times worse since then. The Left as with most issues argues emotions over facts and logic but here that is going to backfire. The African American community and the established Hispanic community, traditional Democrat voting blocs, do not want the huge influx of unskilled workers competing for some of their jobs and lowering those wages. Suburban white woman do not want to see pictures of children in cages but they are going to finally realize that the Dems because of their hatred for Trump refused to vote for any funding that would help solve a crisis caused by the overwhelming of our facilities at the border.
Populations in many countries in Europe, fearing they are losing their national identities, are rebelling. England had its Brexit vote to leave the EU and a Prime Minister who recently resigned because the globalist elites at Westminster did not want to deliver it, Greece and Italy's new governments are making sweeping immigration policy changes and Europe is rife with immigrant populations who refuse to adapt to national cultural norms and behaviors and because of that traditional national populations are rebelling.
The issue in American of course is not whether immigration is good and healthy. Most people believe it is. The issue is not whether we are a compassionate people. Most people believe we are. Instead the issue is - do we have a right to control our borders, enforce our immigration laws, decide who and when they are allowed to enter and have a chance to become citizens, willing to learn the language and adopt traditional American values. The issue also should be, are there jobs available for the new arrivals and do we have the ability to stop drugs from being smuggled in, criminals and gangs from moving in and dangerous diseases from infection our population.
These are not policies driven, as the Left tries to portray everything, by racism or xenophobia. Most Americans know this in their gut and they have noticed that one side does not even come close to believing the same way they do or trying to provide a solution, other than accepting open borders.
5. Karl Was Not One Of The Funny Marx Brothers
OK, but Bernie highlights can be pretty amusing. But when every presidential candidate from one party is competing to see who can offer the most free stuff, the craziest ideas, the highest tax rates, the most anti-Christian tropes, the most woke stance on gender, LGBT, race and abortion, the most green anti-capitalist environment, they have indeed energized the most radical of their base but have left the rest of the country far, far behind. Their push toward achieving an atheistic Marxist global utopia run by an enlightened few is an idea that because of human nature cannot and never has worked. However, for some reason their masks are now off all of them are on the record.
Partly because of abandoning either/or religious sensibilities, family values and traditional work ethic, African Americans, Latino Americans and Asians Americans are starting to leave their old party in large numbers. The rust belt is starting to turn red and you are going to see before the election defections from some major politicians and perhaps even a split in the Democrat party.
6. The Push For Reparations Is A Gift From God
Which leads to my final point.
7. God Blesses Those Who Bless The Jews
Now the Lord God said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, and from your relatives, and from your father's house to the Land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation. And I will bless you and make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And will bless those that bless you, and the one that curses you I will curse. Genesis 12: 1-3
You may not like to hear this but here it is. God chose this moment in time to place Donald J. Trump into office. He did not choose who I would have chosen. He did not choose a man with a pristine past and a refined air. And he did not choose a politician who says one thing but believes in his heart another.
He chose a man who would take the timing away from the plans of the evil one so God could accomplish three things.
First, there is a timing for the nation of Israel. The evil one has always planned and worked to wipe that nation off the face of the earth. A Clinton presidency in 2016 after the 8 years of Obama or any of the current Democrat candidates for 2020 would have or would be a disaster for Israel. Trump is widely seen in Israel as a modern day Cyrus, a gentile king who saved the Jewish people from disaster and then issued a decree for the Jewish people to return to their land, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and eventually rebuild the temple.
Trump was the only one running on the 2016 Republican ticket who would have had the guts to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thus giving defacto international recognition to Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. He is the only one who would have recognized Israel's control of the strategic Golan Heights. If only for those two actions God is going to bless the Presidency of Donald Trump. Who knows what may come out his so called deal of the century regarding Israel and it's neighbors but what ever way it goes I believe it is part of God's plans for this point in time.
Second, God wanted to stop our countries march toward Marxism and globalism and in doing so He also wanted to bless our land because of all of those who have prayed, because of those who have given their time and shed their blood for the freedom and well being of other lands and because of those who have gone out from here to proclaim the good news of Jesus.
We as a nation have sinned greatly, have shed the blood of sixty million of our own innocents, and we deserve judgment. But God in His grace is giving us a period of time where those investments will return ten fold home, where globalism will be set back for a time and where the prayers of the righteous and the blood of the innocent will rise up to Heaven and Roe Vs Wade will be overturned.
What we are seeing in the public square today is the reaction of evil principalities and powers in and over this land, the loud cries of foul spirits who know they are being unmasked and in a battle for position and power, who are and will be cast out so the land may be healed. God chose Donald Trump because he has no fear of man and has no obligations to other parties.
The orange man, rough as he is, has boundless energy, loves America and understands at a deep level how people think and how there are multiple ways to look at a problem and find a solution that your normal politician could never even begin to grasp. He has God's blessing and anointing and even at times, probably without even knowing it, speaks prophetically (stories perhaps for another day).
Third, but most important. God is doing this all because of souls. I believe that it is His will that many peoples and many countries at this point in time will be led into believing that Jesus is Lord. The financial blessings that have come and are coming about are meant to be used to finance and send out the gospel. The spiritual blessings that have come and are coming are meant to evangelize, to heal the sick and mend the broken hearted, to rebuild and reinforce all that has been lost.
That is why Trump will be reelected in 2020. There is still much more to be done and perhaps after Trump God will raise up another one to take his place. That said, while I believe this is God's will it also means that the opposition may even be greater in the days ahead, the enemies cries even louder, and our need to pray for God's will to be done even greater. But as one prophet has seen in a vision, we are to declare to the screaming enemy hordes, "You have lost, we have won!"