Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Prophecies of Debra and Esther For America

The Jewish feast of Purim begins today in Israel. This post is about prophecies concerning women who, like Queen Esther did in Persia, will arise to great influence in our country. Women who will be instrumental in bringing about massive revival, racial healing and restoring the spiritual foundations of this land. But first let me start with an event this week that demonstrates part of the spiritual war that we currently are engaged in. A war that God will for His purpose use certain women to great effect.

Coverage of the recent massacre of 50 Muslims at a mosque at Christ Church, New Zeeland by the mainstream media is interesting in both how they got it wrong but also in what the evil one has planned for America. To be honest I have not actually read or watched any of that coverage but what I have heard about it sounds like the way I would have imagined, so you may correct me if I am wrong.

Analysis I have heard from conservative voices who had access to the killer's 70 page manifesto present this story. The Australian man who did the killing was a loner who like most mass killers was without a father figure since a young man. Although he had traveled widely his life was centered upon hate groups on the Internet. His religious and political beliefs were pagan reflecting his Ayrian theology that whites are the dominate race and there are certain lands allocated to whites that are intended for whites only. He liked President Trump only for his color but hated all of his policies except for certain parts regarding immigration. He considered himself an Eco-terrorist which is someone willing to do almost anything to enforce strict environmental laws and wanted a strong government (think National Socialism, the Nazi party, which also by the way was very big on the environment) to implement these beliefs. Thus his political views (except on immigration) did not reflect any of those by Christian Conservatives or the vast bulk of other Conservatives.

He had a definite, well thought out purpose for using guns instead of gas or bombs or vehicles to kill Muslims. It had little to do with their religious beliefs. He saw Muslims as non white, non native intruders with birthrates 4 times higher than whites and believed they would eventually become dominate in New Zeeland. That is why they were the target. He also believed that one day there would be a racial civil war in the United States and thought that his action would help contribute to an eventual action by those on the Left to confiscate all guns in America. Because most guns owners would not want to give up their guns that would be the trigger event leading to the hoped for racial civil war. This racial civil war would naturally be won by the whites and thus he would be considered in the halls of Valhalla a hero or a martyr to that grand victory.

I'm not too sure, on the networks and print media that have daily for the last dozen years been pushing upon us identity politics and trying to high-lite racial tensions, that you would have gotten this perspective. Identity politics has a pecking order. In the pecking order a person or group on a lower level cannot criticize anyone on a higher level.  At the bottom of the pecking order are white male Christians. Strangely also somewhere near the bottom, despite thousand of years of hatred and murder directed against them, are the Jews. Both groups are now actually considered as oppressors.

Currently at the very top of the list (virtually impervious to criticism) are immigrant, black, female, Muslim congresswomen. Thus when one of those with a long history of virulent anti-Semitic associations and comments is called out yet again, the same woman who sat with a sneer on her face at the State of the Union address while a Holocaust survivor who also survived the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting was recognized with a standing ovation, the Left led House of Representatives cannot censor or even issue a direct condemnation of her anti-Semitic statements. Instead they come up with a broad, let's not hate anybody (then listing every possible identity group) piece of worthless tripe. 

I'm also not sure that you would have seen from the main stream media a fraction or even any of the following stories that also happen during the same time frame, perhaps because of the same identity pecking order.

In Nigeria Muslims wiped out 12 villages of Christians, killing 280. In Egypt a Coptic church was bombed by Muslims, killing many. In Manila Muslims set off 2 bombs at a Catholic cathedral, killing 20 and wounding 111. In the Mid-East Muslims fired 10 rockets into Israel and a Muslim terrorist shot 2 Israelis, prompting the Palestinians to pass out candy to everyone. Iran's Muslim's military flew 50 armed drones in an exercise called Flight to Jerusalem.

The above is not meant to be anti-Muslim. It is just an example about how biased the main stream media chooses to be. They have either chosen sides or perhaps their owners are the real power brokers behind a particular side. Either way they actually are being used by the enemy to advance his plans to destroy our countries Judeo-Christian foundations and incite racial and identity hatred so as to weaken us enough that we will no longer be a force for evangelism in both our country and further out to the world.

Let there be no misunderstanding. The spiritual struggle we are currently engaged in, one that manifests itself in the natural, and God's intervention into our history, is really all about souls. I believe that there is a great world wide harvest of souls coming. It has already begun and is now beginning to swing into a higher gear. But it might not come without much prayer, without much spiritual warfare, without new Spirit led leaders, or within our comfort zones.

I believe there is a great shaking coming upon us and upon many of the nations of the world. The evil one has a plan with a time frame but so does God. And anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear should not miss some of the obvious signs that God have been giving us.

For the last couple of years I have been checking out a variety of people who have given prophetic words nationally and/or internationally. There are several who have been consistently accurate and whom I feel good about. I want to share with you parts of prophetic words from two of them which talk about women who will arise to great influence in our country.

The first prophet is a guy named Charlie Shamp. He has a prophetic ministry to the nations, publishes his prophetic words on his web site and one can easily access them to check out how accurate his words have been. This comes from a prophecy he had on 6/30/2018. He believes that when the next Supreme Court justice steps down (and I think he means during Trump's presidency) they will be replaced by a women whom he calls a Debra (He called Kavanaugh a Samuel) There will be tremendous opposition to her during the hearings but she will get in. Shamp says she will be very instrumental in shifting the court's stand away from abortion and will also become a champion for children.

He also has a prophecy, 9/26/17, about Kamala Harris which I will paraphrase for you.

She has been hand picked by some in power to be a bridge between East and West and a queen to try and trump Trump. They will set her on a course to make major waves in the country for awhile. She will realize they have used her as a pawn in a political game only to put forth a rook in an attempt to upset a king. The plan will fail, she will be broken. God will open her eyes and she will have a difficult choice - to become a bridge builder into enemy lines. In the end she will be remembered for the advancement of civil rights and economic justice among Americans.

In 2006 Kim Clement (who died a month after Trump was elected) started prophesying that Donald Trump would become President. Clement said that he would be both God's trumpet and a wrecking ball and he would raise a wall of protection for our country. He would not be a religious man but he would be a praying man. Then on 3/25/2011 he prophesied the following:

I see a president who shall come, and this is not to speak bad about this one . . . God says that he will absolutely have no fear.  He will be decisive . . . and in the midst of the restoration of America . . . because of energy . . . because of medical breakthroughs . . . because of agreements between nations, especially China . . . God says at the beginning of the restoration there shall be a woman that rises up - a woman that shall be strong in faith; virtuous, beautiful eyes, and her eyes shall be so beautiful, her eyes shall be round and big. I have crowned her . . . as I crowned Esther. And the people shall receive her. She have have the oil of gladness for the pain and the mourning that has taken place . .  and she shall pour out the oils . .  on this nation.

God says they will say we hated her, but now we love her. For she shall take the oil of healing and she shall put it on the scars of those left and those right and on the new party that has come forth and emerged where they shall say, Christ will reign and we will not implement Socialism at all. Where they have said, we will make history without God. No, you will not , , , says the Lord. For I choose this nation before it was founded . . . to send my gospel to the entire earth. Do you think I have changed my mind? Therefore the healing that is needed for this nation shall come at a time, in the middle of the presidency . . . If you as a nation believe . . . If you as a nation want this . . . shout - Yes to Esther! Yes to Esther!

Prophecy is given as an encouragement. Sometimes as a call for us to engage in a more positive way by prayer into a situation. It should be a confirmation to us of what God has already been speaking into our hearts. I have no idea how the prophecies above will play out but they do give me hope.

There have been a lot of doom and gloom words for our land and someday we may indeed experience them. We do know that we are in the last days but we do not know the timing of His judgments. Yet for now I sense God saying that healing, hope and restoration are possible, that darkness is being exposed for what it is, that truth and justice will prevail for a season,  that there is a harvest that will be great and we are called as workers for that harvest.

May the Lord unleash righteous women into the battle to pour out His oil of healing and gladness, to be the Debra and the Esther for America in a time such as this.



Monday, March 4, 2019

I Know Who I Am In Christ

Thoughts from this Sunday.

During one of the worship songs in church Sunday I closed my eyes and imagined myself standing in a very large field with a road running a little lower through the middle. Each side of the road was packed with thousands of people as far back as I could see. Jesus was in front of us walking on the road and all the people were joyfully singing about the wonder and power of God. There was such a depth and deep vibration to the sound.

Reflecting on this later I thought how the Church rightly talks about the glorious grace that God gives each of us through Jesus, even as we so often fall short. But I also thought that He is still God of the universe, perfect and holy beyond my comprehension. If I was really there could I actually stand, singing with my arms up, or would I instead fall down trembling in awe at His majesty?

Checking Face Book today I saw a share from a friend of mine of an article which gave some statistics suggesting that there may be some data tampering by scientists in an effort to make climate statistics more alarming. His only comment was that he found that article interesting.

My friend is outspoken in his Christian beliefs and perhaps because so his share elicited several other comments which stated things like (1) He should concentrate on his business instead of using the Bible to make scientific conclusions, and (2) DO THESE PEOPLE ALSO BELIEVE THAT THE EARTH IS FLAT!

Sadly very rude negative responses when sharing Christian and conservative views (or in this case scientific views) on line has been commonplace these last two years. It seems there are many with a certain view of religion and politics who not only do not want to have a civil and rational discussion of our differences but actually seem personally offended when hearing any and feel compelled to lash out with name calling.

I posted a supporting comment and received a personal message back from my friend saying that because of this type of reaction he normally does not share such articles. He also said that the reaction really doesn't bother him because he knows who he is in Christ Jesus.

I fell the same way. All of this after all is really part of a spiritual battle for the souls and hearts of man. I am caught between the tension of presenting truth in the darkness and not wanting to offend because we are called to be all things to all men for the purpose of winning them over to the good news that Jesus is the Christ, the perfect and only way to salvation.

The mother of the husband of one of my cousins recently died at 89 and Sunday afternoon Jackie and I went over to the funeral home to pay our respects. The lady had eleven children, her husband previously passed away at 40 and my cousin told us that afternoon that when mom breathed her last, even though she had been sick and feeble for a long time, it was very difficult for some of the kids.

I have seen that a lot over the years. When someone, even if they are church going, doesn't have a personal relationship with Jesus, death of a loved one seems not like a wonderful graduation to the glory fields above, but rather like an awful separation. Once again I was reminded that in knowing who I am in Jesus there has for me been joy, peace and hope, even in the midst of the grief of losing a family member.

Finally I had a reflection on what I have been reading in the Book of Numbers. The Jewish nation had been brought out of bondage and slavery from the nation of Egypt. Caught at the shore of the Red Sea the waters parted, walled up on both sides, and all the people walked through, after which the seas crashed in on the Egyptian army, The people had seen the fire and the glory cloud of God, experienced the miracle of the daily manna, and many other things, and despite those awesome miracles the people grumbled, and many of the grumblers died because of God's anger.

They get to the promised land and send in 12 spies who give a report that indeed it is a land flowing with milk and honey but the cities are fortified and there are giants in the land. 10 of the spies convince the people that they will not be able to take possession of the land. For not trusting that God would be with them to overcome those obstacles, despite seeing first hand miracle after miracle, God kills the 10 and promises that none of the other over 600,000 military aged men except for Caleb and Joshua would live to enter the land.

Even after that the people keep grumbling a very large group from the tribe of Levi (who are in charge of setting up and tearing down the tabernacle and receive in turn a tithe from the rest of the nation) grow jealous of the position and authority of Moses, Aaron and Aaron's two surviving sons who will preform the priestly functions. Here you have Moses, daily hearing directly from God, and everything he says or judgment he pronounces from God happens just as he says, and these people are jealous, desiring the status of the priesthood for themselves so they can then lord it over the others. A whole group of them won't even come to a meeting Moses calls. In response God causes the ground to open up which swallows every man, woman and child of that group.

What surprises me in all of this was not the severity of God's judgment of His own people. The world was created by Him and for Him and rebellion from His will leads to all the woes and ills of the world.
His purpose and calling for the Jewish nation was part and parcel to what His ultimate intention still is for today.

One of the reasons we are created is to declare from our lips and by our lives the glory, the greatness and the wonder of God. The chosen people should have been a reflection of that and thus lead to the eventual redemption of mankind. I think God was looking for much more than just a righteous line from which the Savior would eventually appear.

But here were a people whose ancestors had received both a promise from and a covenant with God. Yet they were born and raised in a pagan land surrounded by the pagan gods of Egypt. They had their beliefs and traditions but most did not have a relationship with Almighty God. The promises of God, if not sunk deep in the heart, could easily be shaken by harsh conditions, multiple fears and carnal urges. The desires for the onions and leeks of Egypt and the false comfort of Egyptian deities were still strong.

We find ourselves today living in a land which is progressively becoming more secular and hostile to both Christian and socially conservative views. For many there is a comfort that comes from religious traditions that can only take one so far when a great shaking comes. I believe we are in the beginning of a great shaking that will take all of us out of our comfort zones and will require us to trust in the true Lord of all.

As the darkness grows more dark may His brightness shine brighter. May each heart that does not actually know Jesus surrender to Him as Lord and Savior. May we experience both the grace of God and the fear of the Lord which leads to wisdom. And may we all truly know who we are in Christ.