Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Latest From Physics

Today I read a couple of interesting articles in the area of physics which actually made sense to me and which I want to condense for you without getting into depth about the reasons why these things work or don't work.

One involved the idea of time travel. If I just got your hopes up - sorry. Time has to do with the expansion of the universe. In theory if you could travel at the speed of light, time for you would slow down. When you came back to earth your actual age would be less than those who sent you off. That has been understood since the time of Einstein.

However it is now suggested that all of us living today are actually on the far edge of an expanding universe. We live in the now but cannot advance past the now because that does not yet exist. Of course we all knew this. It was only in movies or books that one could advance forward or backward in time, although by watching or reading we are doing this mentally, but not physically.

What keeps us from going back in time and then going forward to catch up was not explained so I'm thinking that perhaps the science is not yet settled on time travel. I will write more on this later - I will write more on this later.

It was theorized that there is something called negative energy. This has to do with the idea of mass, gravity and applied force. If you were to, for example, apply force to the mass of a ball but that ball's mass was negative rather than positive then the ball should react by moving toward the applied force instead of away from it.

Recently scientist's were able to create a liquid with negative energy. They did this using lasers upon certain particles which made those particles spin 'backwards". Actually I've done the same thing many times without needing lasers. Just toss a ball or hula hoop out with heavy backspin and it will bounce or roll back to you every time. Too bad they didn't ask me. Could have saved them a lot of money.

These principles actually work in God's economy as well. I belong to an on-line poetry site which has been great but I've discovered that a lot of people write poetry as a way to verbalize all their inner struggles, hurts and pains. Many seemed to have grown up abused, abandoned or unloved.

I would love to share with them that we need not to keep living with the pains of the past and have that define who we are in the now. The true key to reverse that negative energy is to put a different spin on our memories and relationships. And to do that usually requires something totally different than what are normal responses are.

Human nature wants to hold on to the pain caused by the abuser and does this with unforgiveness, anger and blame. A lot of times the anger and blame gets transferred to God. This of course is a lie from the enemy.

The solution many times is opposite of what we would normally think. God actually does love us no matter what we've experienced. And His love is far beyond our comprehension. It is His desire that we be free from the pain of the hurts in our pass. But to experience that we first need to forgive all who have injured us and to let go of any thoughts of getting even.  We must trust God that He will take care of things.

Right now we physically cannot go back in time but our hearts can. And because God is not bound by time He can be both there and now to bring healing and release. If we move toward Him His love will flow toward us. What could be better?

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tongues Of Fire

What sounded like a roaring wind
shook the room they gathered in
imagine shock and great surprise
when tongues of fire was their prize

They now proclaimed His glory loud
which drew a large and boisterous crowd
amazed that they could understand
God praised in language from their land

They wondered what those had consumed
at 9 A.M. throughout that room
so Peter stood to set them straight
a gospel story to relate

About the Man they crucified
who paid for all the day He died
then rose to conquer death and sin
appeared to many and their kin

Those hearts were pierced like right away
three thousand added just that day
and many more would follow soon
thanks to the fire in that room

Now if there is a lesson here
please hear my plead which is sincere
the Spirit moves in power still
when we find worshiping a thrill

Then boys and girls will prophesy
old men dream dreams before they die
the young see visions that are clear
both slave and free will be drawn near

A people renewed by tongues of flame
will shake a church that had it tame
and we'll proclaim Jesus is Lord
when greater works have been restored

Sunday, April 16, 2017


If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness.

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through the Spirit who dwells in you.

Romans 8: 10-11

Sunday, April 9, 2017

What Kind Of Poetry Do I Like To Write?

A little over a week ago I joined All Poetry (AP) the world's largest on-line poetry site and have been churning out poems left and right ever since. Each time you submit a poem you have to write a nice comment about the work of two other poets published there and that has been fun as well.

I found this site after getting rejections on a few poems submitted to a Christian poetry site joined in February. One of my submissions was the bronze winner for the month of February and one won the gold for the month of March but they only seem to like a very narrow range of poetic expression.

As explained in their page on submission requirements, true Christian poetry should rhyme, have good cadence and meter, not go in and out of rhyme, and be "reader oriented" as opposed to "writer oriented". Evidently those who chose to "read" poetry at this site are heavily left brained and don't want to be challenged by messy stuff that fires off multiple right brain syntaxes.

The first time a poem of mine was rejected, a very nice selection called SHOE BOX expressing my emotions about praying for unsaved family members, the reason given was "check submission requirements". Doing so and not getting any greater clarity I rewrote the poem, explaining in the poem all the imagery, such as what the shoe box was, called it SHOE BOX II and submitted. I thought the effort was dreadful but it was accepted right away. Ha!

Perhaps one should not bite the hand that feeds it (i.e. they really like some of my stuff and they have every right to determine what they will publish). But then I came across a prompt from the AP site which is the title of this poem, and I couldn't help myself.

What Kind Of Poetry Do I Like To Write?

A while back I found a site
that asked for Christian poems
they had to rhyme
like all the time
and fit the proper zones
this I could do
till I was blue
but found it's not enough
to have good meter, cadence too
just not that other stuff
like imagery and metaphors
and heaven's no emotion
i would submit a little bit
which caused a great commotion
some they would post
and I would boast
of winning a nice prize
though some would sink
when it made them think
which opened up my eyes
a greeting card is really nice
one knows what to expect
but twiggy waters was too much
it earned a quick reject
so here I am an AP man
free verse, humor and rhyme
still talk about my dear sweet Lord
sometimes a bit sublime

Sunday, April 2, 2017

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel

My father-in-law used to say that if you wanted the gospel in a nutshell you could find it in the first 3 chapters of Romans and Galatians and Ephesians. I will add, throw in also the first 3 chapters of John and Acts and you're good to go.

The other day I was struck by Paul's statement to the Roman Church that:

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

For in it the righteous of God is revealed from faith to faith. As it is written; 'But the righteous man shall live by faith.' "  (Romans 1: 16-17)

The gospel or good news here is the testimony about Jesus, who He was, who He is, what He did in His death and resurrection so that all, Jews and non Jews, could come through Jesus to a saving relationship with The Father. The door to the Father is now wide open but we can only enter in -by faith - through the person of Jesus Christ.

It is that simple. It was always the core of Paul's message. If we get away from that central focus we then start to rely on the wisdom of man and the wisdom of man will always try to pull us away from surrendering in faith to the person of Jesus and instead try to establish religious or moral beliefs or good actions as the avenue to righteousness and salvation.

Not that we don't need the help of the Church to mature and grow us in our faith. But the first and foremost purpose of the Church is to introduce us to Jesus, to then equip us with the Holy Spirit of wisdom and power, and to lay a firm foundation in the Word of God so that we may be well equipped to grow and mature as part of the Body of Christ. Everything else flows out of our relationship with Jesus.

Unfortunately many modern churches of the day teach about the idea of Jesus, the social teachings of Jesus, the religion of Jesus, a Christ removed from the blood, the resurrection, the ultimate surrender of one's life to Jesus as Savior, Lord, and Baptizer in the Holy Spirit. And to go along with this they make to no effect the sound teaching of Sacred Scripture. All authority now rests in the evolved minds of contemporary man.

There could be no better example of this than the growing and wide spread acceptance of the LBGTQ agenda that we see happening (for the first time in history) today. Scripture that immediately proceeds the above quote talks about worshiping, or exalting, the created over the Creator. The created could be idols of wood, stone or metal that represented things of nature, worshiped in blindness over the One who made those things of nature.

But it also applies the same to the exalting of man over the Creator of man, a Creator who both through nature and consistently through His revealed Word speaks against such actions. Here is the sad part. The heart of man initially knows that his actions are wrong but the body and the soul were not able to change. Thus they look to find acceptance and approval of their sin and find a ready partner with a church which has already compromise the Word with a hundred arguments against it.

And the root, the source of all of the compromise, goes to the removal of the central focus of the gospel, the righteous man shall live by faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified (for the SINS of man).

Here the Word of God picks up beginning in the very next sentence, Romans 1: 17. (bold print mine)

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteous of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,

for that which is known about God is evident is within them, for God made it evident to them.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so they are without excuse.

For even though they knew God they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing to be wise, they became fools,

and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four footed animals and crawling creatures.

Therefore God them them over to the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.

For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen.

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for the women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,

and so also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire for another, men with men committing indecent acts  (Romans 1: 17-28)

Paul goes on in this chapter including many of the other sins against God that we do, things that we even encourage others to, and advises us that without repentance, without Jesus, all of us would be condemned.

Today may each of you come to know my Lord and Savior Jesus in a more intimate way. Seek Him without reservation. Surrender all to His Lordship. Yield to His Holy Spirit. Come to the Father through Him.