Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Grave Is Still Empty!

Throw out all religion
discard all pretense
repent from your dead works
stop burning incense
the grave is still empty
The Lord lives today!
He's already done it
He'll make you OK

He needs not your praises
attendance or tithes
those things are for us
but here's the surprise
the One of great glory
the One of pure love
defeated the darkness
shines light from above

The empty grave speaks
that Our Lord is alive
that death is defeated
that hope can abide
that Jesus has power
to change who you are
no matter your station
poor beggar or star

Yes Jesus has risen!
this world has no hold
He's given you purpose
if only you're bold
you'll gain by surrender
you'll rise to the skies
the grave is still empty!
new life is your prize!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Thoughts Of Big Red On This Windy Day

Before the gate house, the cottage association
the historical commission and let's not forget the rich
there sat on our southern pier a large red lighthouse
years past it's working life but available I was told 
by my younger brother to rent to a college age guy
like him, who thought it'd be so cool

Even if he had to risk life and limb getting to the rusty door 
chopping off thick layers of sprayed on ice to enter
what to me seemed like a dark metal tomb 
where condensation would drip upon his drawn in head 
while he dreamed of sailing inland seas and vast oceans 
unencumbered by access rules

Early this March on a cloudless day
sky as blue as it ever gets in Michigan
when winds were steady past thirty
my wife and I braced ourselves
against clouds of pelting sand 
while near the edge of the northern pier

Once more we were in total awe of surging water 
wondering how any man made structure could survive
but there, still on the southern pier
though leaning a bit
was the past, the present
and who knows - the future

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Pond

Some goldfish swan in twiggy light inside a garden pond
while morning ducks splashed all about, which made me think beyond
of galaxies spread far and wide too vast to comprehend
and protons circling a spot with no apparent end

It seemed too much for me to know
too small to say I knew
was there somehow a God who held 
this all within His view?

I pondered this for many years while laying on my bed
cried out unto the mystery for insight to be shed
my answer then was silence back, it roared within my brain
must we be made to live and die, with death nothing to gain?

Then brightness shone through leafless trees upon that primal scene
a different view of flesh and stone, showing a golden mean
one could not know by measuring the width that lay before
or pace it out and understand what futures were in store

We must accept by simple faith, just like the common man
to find the Maker of all hearts who gave all life its plan
and so on knees surrendered I - deep pride and filthy sin
asked Jesus to forgive it all and make His home within

Dear friend believe me when I say that light shone through my fog
the Lord my God revealed Himself and saved me from the bog
now life is simple as some fish who dart as they respond
and happy as an early bird atop this garden pond

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

What Awaits The Saints In Glory

His mystery, His majesty
His might upon the throne
the thunderstorm of praises born
engulfed in Him alone
thick rolling clouds His glory shrouds
approach we on our knees
then bursting light around Him bright
across deep crystal seas

How can it be that we don't see
how awesome is that place
explosions of emotions
in the center of His grace
by faith we'll know it tells us go
approach with godly fear
to lay it down and throw our crown
such is the atmosphere

And gathered by the brilliant sky
vast armies of the Lord
with elders near who lead a cheer
The Savior be adored
gold trumpets blown the seeds are sown
fall all before our King
He's placed inside where once was pride
new songs for us to sing

We will be dressed in garments blessed
by blood shed once for us
time standing still in His great will
no need to make a fuss
and I will wait for Him to state
that righteousness prevailed
then raise a shout with those about